The Water Crisis: Can Seawater Desalination Solve It?
TOFEL English Reading Comprehension

Today, 1 out of 3 people do not have access to clean drinking water. Most of the water on Earth is undrinkable seawater. A small amount is underground freshwater or in glacier ice that we cannot access. The remainder is in the rivers and lakes that we have contaminated with environmental pollution. Despite the many billions of gallons of water that cover our planet, less than 1% of it is available as drinkable water. We are living in a water crisis that some people in developed countries may not be aware of, but soon it will become more obvious. It is projected that half our global population will be living in water scarce areas by 2050. Right now, the struggle against water scarcity is beginning to impact communities even in the United States. In a 2011 article, The Future of Desalination: Energy, Technology, and the Environment, Menachem Elimelech et al makes it clear that �water scarcity is one of the most global challenges of our time.?Every human on our planet needs clean, drinkable water to survive. This is a struggle that affects people from every country and way of life.

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Capitalism and the World Economy
TOFEL English Reading Comprehension

The prevalent view of the world's economic situation is that capitalism is the solution to poverty and world hunger. While some still believe wealth trickles down from the rich to the poor, the evidence is overwhelmingly different. The current global economic system is slanted in favor of the first world, with the poor in the developing world being the most adversely affected. This article will present four possible alternative economic structures to make the world more equitable, before discussing how feasible the implementation of these solutions would be.

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The Impact of Government and Capitalism on Women in the Developing World
TOFEL English Reading Comprehension

Democracy is usually defined as a form of government in which the common people are the source of political power. Hand in hand with capitalism, democracy has long been portrayed as the ideal form of government which the developing world should strive for. These two concepts became entangled at the end of World War II, when developing countries had to choose between support from the United States or Russia. This actually had the effect of suppressing any true democracy in most of the developing world, as much of their supposed independence was reliant upon the good will of one of the two superpowers, who regularly used the developing countries like pawns against each other. When an economic recession hit, this caused most of the governments in the developing world to go into debt, which in turn subjected them to the unfair dictates of capitalism, in order to have access to foreign aid for recovery. Therefore, the so called democracies of the developing world are not actually based on the power of the common people, but rather rely on outside sources for their power. As such, they have subsequently been made slaves to the whims of the developed world, and are no longer truly democracies.

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Psychoanalysis in The Epic of Gilgamesh
TOFEL English Reading Comprehension

The theory of psychoanalysis touches on a multitude of various subtopics which in the end encompasses psychoanalysis as a whole. One of these important subtopics is the understanding of the unconscious. In the book, Critical Theory Today, Lois Tyson discusses how the unconscious is a result of early childhood experiences which later on change and evolve as an individual matures or goes through thought altering experiences. Occasionally, we perceive that people have a particular problem, but they themselves do not realize it. They do not see how this problem is affecting them as well as how it affects the people around them. As for most people, your state of mind depends entirely on what is going on in your life. Because of this, individuals deal with and see the problems in their lives differently than others.

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